Description du site

An online chatterbot... with a little art. [bot][TLN]


Une description d'un projet de "chatterbot". [bot] [IA]


DadaDodo is a program that analyses texts for word probabilities, and then generates random sentences based on that. Sometimes these sentences are nonsense; but sometimes they cut right through to the heart of the matter, and reveal hidden meanings. [bot][IA]


Un bot parlant EN FRANCAIS. Jenny est capable de conjuguer les verbes au présent, imparfait, futur pour répondre aux questions. Elle est capable de mémoriser les informations que l’on lui donne. Elle scanne tout le disque dur pour chercher toutes les musiques, les images, les vidéos, les textes, etc. pour les analyser et les exécuter. On peut demander la définition d’un mot, retrouver le mot du dico. d’après une définition, des synonymes, des calculs, des conversions, etc. [bot]


Un bot parlant EN FRANCAIS (assez rare pour être signalé). Apparemment basé sur ALICE. [bot][IA]


Amanda est un programme qui est capable de parler avec vous. Elle est très gentille et elle aimerait bien vous connaitre... [bot][IA]

Personality Forge

IA, bots parlants et communauté avec chats et forums... Vraiment très intéressant. [bot][IA][www]

The Chatterbot Collection

Une collection de plus de 300 chatterbots. [bot] is a site dedicated to news from fields including A.I., computational linguistics, robotics, developmental psychology, machine learning, and cognitive science, with special focus on language-related technologies. Home of ELBA chatterbot. [bot][AI][TLN]


Un projet de bot parlant, en équipe (en France) [bot][IA]


Pandora est une entité conversationnelle basée sur la technologie AIML. Elle n'est toutefois pas une traduction de Alice. Bien que s'inspirant de plusieurs bots existants, ce projet est original. À noter qu'elle s'exprime en français. [bot][TLN]


Rollo Carpenter's chatterbot. Go and chat! [IA][bot]


AGHATE est un bot parlant en français, bien présenté (son visage en 3D s'anime)... [bot]


Jessica est un chatterbot conçu par un français et qui apprend à vous faire la conversation sur IRC [bot][IRC]

A.L.I.C.E. Nexus

Artificial Linguistics Computer Entity ALICE [bot]


Le site du Chatterbot de David Hamill (Maybelle) [bot][IA]


Une description d'un "chatterbot" sur IRC. [bot]

Robitron (Yahoo! Group)

Discussion about Artificial Intelligence, Mimetic Synthesis, the Institute of Mimetic Sciences, and other chatterbot and android related topics. [bot][IA]

Site de Noel Bush, consacré à Alice et aux bots. Il regroupe les derniers interpréteurs AIML, des documentations, quelques utilitaires et des projets dont un éditeur de connaissances. Possède aussi une collection de liens impressionnante (companies vendant des bots, bots en ligne, ...) [bot]


Un site général sur l'IA, avec une interface... sophistiquée. [IA][bot][News]


Un chatterbot qui fait des questions/réponses, et qui sait en plus interroger d'autres applications pour vous donner des renseignements. [bot]

Eve 2.0

Eve 2.0 est une version évoluée de Pandora. C'est une entité conversationnelle basée sur la technologie AIML, s'exprimant en français. Elle n'est toutefois pas une traduction de Alice. Bien que s'inspirant de plusieurs bots existants, ce projet est original. [bot][TLN]


All kinds of agents on the web. They hold the ChatterBox Challenge. [bot][www][IA]

Jeeney AI Artificially Intelligent Life Online

Jeeney AI is a form of artificial intelligence, a chat bot that has been programmed to dissect the English language carefully in order to discern what is being said to her. [IA][bot]

Archangelis / Ange

Archangelis, une société belge qui fait dans le bot parlant (avec synthèse vocale). [bot]


Ce GPS est un projet qui nous occupe depuis deux ans mais qui reste encore expérimental : Sowana n´a commencé son apprentissage de la conversation que le 07/07/97, et ses progrès vont dépendre des entretiens que vous aurez avec elle. Si votre dialogue d´aujourd'hui n´est pas satisfaisant, reprenez la discussion dans quelques jours. Un bot parlant français et anglais, et semblant capable d'apprentissage. [bot]

Canal #IA sur

Bienvenue sur le site officiel du salon #IA des serveurs IRC QuakeNet. Vous y trouverez plusieurs bots parlants (ou chatterbots) qui s'expriment en français. [bot][IRC]

Automates intelligents

actualité, informations, réflexions,échanges sur la robotique, la vie artificielle, la réalité virtuelle et les sciences ou technologies associées (bimensuel) [News][bot][IA]


Une société française qui produit entre autres des hôtesses virtuelles de sites web. [IA][bot]


BRIAN is a computer program that thinks it's an 18 year old college student. It was written as an entry in the 1998 Loebner Competition, where it won third place out of six entries. [bot]


Create Aim Bots and Aim Expressions [bot]

The Loebner 2002 Event

A kind of Turing test, with a prize. [bot][IA][www]


List of chatterbots. [bot]


Actualité informatique, et bots à la pelle sur le serveur IRC [Linux][News][bot]


A learning chatterbot. [IA][TLN][bot]


Le but du projet "Betabot" est de créer un chatterbot capable d'apprendre tout et n'importe quoi suivant la logique de son éducateur. Par exemple, il doit être possible de lui apprendre n'importe quel langage, que ce soit le français, l'anglais, n'importe quelle langue (même des langages inventés). L'intelligence artificielle interviendra plus tard et permettra entre autre de simuler des raisonnements, des décisions, des choix ... sur les réponses à fournir à l'interlocuteur. [bot][IA]

A list of chatterbots (and link to articles too). [bot]

Leo - The Language Learning Chatterbot

A chatterbot that learns from what you say. Can learn another language. A bit like ECTOR when it will be done. [bot][IA][TLN]


Zero is an artificial intelligent chatbot that is being designed by Computer Hope as a way to help develop a Natural Language Processing and Fuzzy Logic script for helping its users locate answers to their computer questions by parsing large logs of computer help conversations and help that is available from the Internet. Zero's knowledge is currently comprised of numerous logs of other peoples conversations in IRC and other chat networks, logs and transcripts of other peoples conversations with other bots, and knowledge it has gained by talking with other users. [IA][bot]


Java Chat Bot. Try it. [bot] [Java]

Convo: Learning bit by bit

Convo is an experimental conversational system, a computer program that you can chat with. We're currently in the process of teaching our character Ditto the donkey to understand the basics of English. [bot][IA]


The python version of ECTOR, the learning chatterbot. / La version en python d'ECTOR, le bot parlant qui apprend. [bot][IA]


Bot parlant qui apprend ce que l'on dit, rédigé en python, capable de se connecter sur IRC et MSN [bot][IA][Jabber][MSN]

ChatterBots is a Subject Tracer™ Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library™. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet for all forms of ChatterBots. [blog][bot]

Artificial Intelligence NV (Enterprises)

Artificial Intelligence NV (Ai) is the world's leading artificial intelligence research project. At Ai, we're creating a new form of life. Our expanding web site is an essential part of the emerging global discussion about artificial intelligence. Use our forums, original papers, and links to explore what's happening both at Ai the company and in AI the field. [bot][IA]

Veille technologique (ou stratégique), Agent intelligent, Agent conversationnel, Chatterbot. Une bonne définition de Chatterbot [bot]

Tyrell Corp. - Mind Files

Chat Bot Mind File Repository (Daisy, Billy, Leo, Alice, ...) [bot][IA][TLN]


interact with a speech enabled chat agent running as a BinProlog or Jinni based standalone Web Service, embedding a large (100++ MBytes) set of Prolog rules extracted from the WordNet and OpenMind knowledge bases. [bot]


Customisable Chatterbot applet [bot] [Java]


A chatterbot receptionist at Carnegie Mellon University! [bot][IA]


A chatterbot from Robby Garner... :) [bot][IA]


Kevin Copple's chatterbot project. Ella is a downloadable demo. [bot]


IRC Help bot. Similar to Achille, without emotion but with wildcards. [bot]


gNiall attempts to learn whatever language you try to teach it. It is basically a disassociator: it collects statistics on sentences you type and tries to construct meaningful replies. [bot][IA]


IVAN signifie Intelligent Virtual Animator accross Networks. It is a LogiLab's product. [bot][IA]


Un site qui gère des mailing-listes (dont Robitron et Zinc) [bot]

LexiClone has pioneered the lexical human cloning technology. Using our patented methodology, we now can create virtual clones of computer users by analyzing what they read. The breakthrough is in being able to deduce from end users' reading, writing style or browsing history their professional, educational, cultural background and psychological type [IA][TLN][bot]


A learning chatterbot with case-based reasoning. Alas! its matching algorithm seems too simple. [bot]

Howie the Chatterbot

Howie is a artificially intelligent agent with a natural language interface (a "chatterbot"), which is designed to be simple to install, configure, and extend. The emphasis is less on simulating a human conversation, and more on providing a "virtual assistant" which interacts with visitors through natural conversation. [bot][IA]

Chatterbot FAQ

The CHATTERBOT FAQ has collected all this frequently asked questions, and will try to give all answers in this document, including examples, hints and tips, and a comprehensive list of links. An ancient page, but with interesting content.[bot]


A chatterbot that you have to convince that YOU are human (the blurring test). [bot]


A web chatterbot. [bot]

Chat Bot Friends

This website is for chatterbot fans everywhere. In this site you will find links to chatterbots, software, links to sources of funding (under contests) and chatbots hosted on this site. [bot]

The Turing Test Page

This page contains all the online information that a Cognitive Science PhD student could find concerning the Turing Test. [bot][AI]


Karn is a chatterbot program, a program that you can speak to. He should seem quite human, and after time even more so. [bot]

Eugene Goostman

Magoost, Inc.'s chat bot. Seems at least good. [bot]


Actor is a program you can have a conversation with (although perhaps not one which always makes a lot of sense). It analyzes what the user 'says' to it and generates replies based on learned vocabulary and word relationships. [bot][IA]

Chatterbots - GoogleGroup

A beta Google Group on chatterbots. [bot]


A very simple and stable PHP IRC bot class that gets its functionality from callbacks written for different events. [bot][IRC][PHP]

Computer Modeling of Verbal Behavior

The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies has had a long interest in language simulation, as the original sponsor of the Loebner Prize competition. Many resources on chatterbots. [IA][TLN][bot]

The DELCA project

The main concept of DELCA is to create artificial intelligent assisting agents, with whom the user can fluently conversate and communicate. These agents are better known as ghosts. The ghosts are not only able to talk and think like humans, but they are also emotional and sensitive spirits. The ghosts have feelings and highly complex set of behaviours. University of Information Technology / Denmark. [bot][IA]

2003 Loebner Prize Contest

The Loebner Prize Contest is the first formal Turing Test of artificial intelligence. It carries a Grand Prize of $100,000 and a gold medal for the first computer program whose conversation is indistinguishable from a human's. Although this achievement may be some way off, the "most human" program each year wins a prize of $2,000 and a bronze medal. [AI][bot]


Ysalaya propose une nouvelle façon de faire un chatbot, basé sur la mémoire et le langage avec des possibilités d'apprentissage par les visiteurs. A découvrir [bot]


The Mathetes chatterbot is a combination of static technologies (of which Alice/AIML and PersonalityForge are examples) and learning technologies (of which Jabberwacky and MegaHAL are examples). Source code is closed for now. [bot][IRC]


Another "Turing test"-like site. Many participants. [bot]


Markov is an IRC chatterbot which strives to imitate other chatters, based on statistical properties of the messages. [IRC][bot]

Bot Blog

This blog explores storytelling with bots (chatterbots, chatbots). By 'bots' we mean a software program that is a 'simple reflex agent': 'these agents select actions on the basis of the current percept', as per Russell and Norvig. But of course, what we discuss will be relevant to more sophisticated agents and even robots and likewise we'll be utilising insights from adjoining fields of investigation. This space is intended as a discussion space for developing a poetics of bot fiction, to assist in the technical development of programs and as a repository of information. Theorists and practitioners novice and not are welcome to contribute their thoughts, papers and links to bots. We will have round-table discussions about papers and books as well as guest contributors. [bot][blog]

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